We are open to new impulses!
We are an international group of architects and urbanists who met while participating in the academic research program at Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design in Moscow, Russia. Each coming from different country, we brought four unique foreign perspectives to our research about the city of Moscow. Given our exposure to and understanding of Soviet urban planning and housing patterns in Moscow, the opportunity to make a proposal for a similar situation in Tallinn was a welcome extension of topics related to our research at Strelka.
We are interested in research-driven projects affecting urban tissues and creating new spaces and structures as a means to revitalize and progress the city. We welcome new challenges and initiatives to collaborate on projects rethinking and redesigning urban spaces.

Izabela Cichońska, mgr inż. arch.
Architect, Poland
Lindsay Harkema, MArch
Ondřej Janků, MgA
Architect, Czech Republic
Nathan de Groot, MSc
Urbanist, The Netherlands